8th Annual Trash Pickup Day

Saturday, May 4, 2024 (9:00 AM - 10:00 AM) (EDT)


As the snow leaves our roadways, the trash comes into plain sight. I've seen it worse, but it isn't great either!! On SATURDAY, MAY 4TH at 9 to 10AM, I would like to see a community effort to clean up our beautiful area. The Town will have contractor bags at the front of Builder's Supply and some at Koob's in Oquossoc for your use. The Town will have cones set every half mile between Rangeley and Oquossoc. If you could please park by a cone and walk the half mile to the next cone, then back the other side, you will have done your mile!! Leave your bags roadside if you don't have a truck. If you're more interested in cleaning your neighborhood, just make sure your full bags are left somewhere to be picked up if you can't take them to the dump yourself. I will do my best to find trucks to gather the full bags that cannot be taken by individuals. WEAR BOOTS & BRING GLOVES - good ones, not those silly nitrile ones - this is dirty work. Please let me know if you have questions. THANK YOU!! Traci J. Lavoie
Saturday, May 4, 2024 (9:00 AM - 10:00 AM) (EDT)
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