The Rangeley Oquossoc Adventure Rendezvous (ROAR), part of Maine’s High Peaks PaddleFest, is a two-day, 40-mile paddling stage race featuring a paddle through the incredible lands and waters of the Rangeley Lakes showcasing the best of the area. See the tabs below for course descriptions, boat classes and awards, and additional details about PaddleFest. Save the date for 2025: June 20-22!
Registration. Race Registration closes June 1.
Day 1
Start in Rangely at Rangeley Town Cove Park, 31 Park Rd, Rangeley, ME. Paddle across the north side of Rangeley Lake and carry through Oquossoc past the fish hatchery and onto Lake Mooselookmeguntic. Continue across Mooselookmeguntic and south along the western shore to Upper Dam. Carry around Upper Dam to Richardson Lake. Paddle north on Richardson Lake to finish at Mill Brook Boat Launch. DISTANCE: 20 miles CARRIES: Two (1.2 miles total).
Day 2
Start at Mill Brook Boat Launch and reverse the course to finish at Rangeley Cove Town Park.
Relay Teams
Relay teams will switch in Oquossoc between Rangeley Lake and Mooselookmeguntic. Details will be provided in the Paddlers’ Guide, which will be sent to all before the race.
Mill Brook Boat Launch
A shuttle will be provided to transport racers to and from Mill Brook after the finish on Day 1 and before the start on Day 2. Participants will be expected to leave their boats at Mill Brok overnight. We will provide an overnight guard to ensure the security of your craft. This launch is not large enough to accommodate a large number of cars, and the access road cannot support two-way traffic. Pit Crews will not be permitted to drive into Mill Brook Boat Launch.