The Kitchen Table: Story Telling Workshops

The Kitchen Table: Story Telling Workshops
Tuesday, February 6, 2024 (5:00 PM - 7:00 PM) (EST)
STORYTELLING WORKSHOPS Have you ever wished you could keep a crowd on the edge of their seats with a good story? Well now is your chance! All workshops are held at the Lakeside Theater 2493 Main Street, Rangeley Workshop and Performance Dates:
WORKSHOPS: Feb 6th at 5 PM & Feb 10th at 2 PM
All performances are held at the RFA Lakeside Theater, 2493 Main St, Rangeley The RFA has received a Discovery Grant from the Onion Foundation to host Storytelling Workshops. The workshops will be held twice a month with an opportunity to perform monthly. Craft your story with our favorite funny man, storyteller extraordinaire, and RLRS English teacher, Tim Straub. Participants should come to the workshop with ideas for your story, something that really happened to you. Since you are telling a true story, there are no lines that need to be memorized. In the workshop, you will learn to craft your story into its best presentation. Go to to see an example of The Kitchen Table performance format. There is no fee for the workshops. There will be a ticket charge for the performance. Ticket money will help underwrite the workshops.
Anyone interested should contact Tim Straub at FMI email us at The RFA Lakeside Theater will play host to the storytelling performances, known as The Kitchen Table, as that's the place where many stories are told across the globe. Upcoming performance dates are Thursday, Feb 22 at 7 PM. General Admission is $15 for adults and $10 for students under 18. Tickets will be available at the door at 6 PM the night of the show. “This is entertainment, people, as it was long before the internet and its allure.” – Tim Straub
2493 Main Street
Rangeley, ME 04970